All Done! Time to Export!

Finally, the time has come for to release our game to the world!
You probably want to get it out as soon as possible, but make sure you check the game thoroughly before you do.

Make sure there are no bugs!

No one likes a buggy game! Be sure to thoroughly check that there are no bugs that cause the game to stop partway through or function improperly. At the very least, you should check all of the routes by playing each route from start to finish.

When releasing games for browsers or smartphones, it’s important to check that the image and sound files are not too big. File size is particularly an issue for smartphones. Files that are too large can cause crashes or frustratingly long loading times. Try to minimize file sizes for images, etc. by using lowering the picture quality, using file formats with better compression, etc.

Select a Release Format

Games built with TyranoBuilder can be exported for release in various formats. Decide which format you’d like for your game from the below types. (You can, of course, release in multiple formats if you like!)

The 5 Main Export Types:
1. Browser game, which can be played on the Internet.
2. Windows program
3. MacOS program
4. iOS app for distribution via the AppStore
5. Android app for distribution via GooglePlay

Let’s look at the merits and demerits of each method and how to export to each.

1. Browser Game

  • Can be used to release games around the world via Internet
  • No need for installation. The games can be played by browser access only.
  • Can be used in your own website, etc.

  • Server access can cause delays.
  • Cannot be played where there is no Internet access.

How to Export as a Browser Game:

Open the game you would like to export, and from the menu bar above the Scene Editor select Project > Export Game. The release preparation window will open, then select ‘Browser Game’.

Check that the game has been exported to the ‘export‘ folder in TyranoBuilder directory.

That’s you need to do to export a game for browser release.
The next step is to upload the exported files to a web server so the game can be accessed from a browser. ​

2. Windows Program

3. MacOS Program

  • Games will run stably and quickly
  • Can be played while offline

  • Games must be downloaded by players before they can be played

How to Export as a Browser Game:

Open the game you would like to export, and from the menu bar above the Scene Editor select Project > Export Game. The release preparation window will open, then select ‘Windows Application’ or ‘Mac Application’.

Check that the game has been exported to the ‘export‘ folder in TyranoBuilder directory.

Add a manual and license to the game folder, and you’re all set to release!

4.iOS App

  • Games runs stably and quickly
  • Games can be sold on the AppStore
  • If the game receives attention, it can be played by many people

  • AppStore regulations (e.g. regarding violent content, etc.) must be followed in order for approval

How to Export for an iOS App:

Open the game you would like to export, and from the menu bar above the Scene Editor select Project > Export Game. The release preparation window will open, then select ‘iOS App (iPhone, iPad)’

Check that the game has been exported to the ‘export‘ folder in TyranoBuilder directory. The next step is to turn the exported files into an app by wrapping them using TyranoPlayer. To do this, follow the separate instructions in Exporting for iOS Devices.

5.Android App

  • Games runs stably and quickly
  • Games can be sold on GooglePlay
  • If the game receives attention, it can be played by many people

  • There are many different types of Android devices, so play may not be possible on some devices.

How to Export for an Android App:

Open the game you would like to export, and from the menu bar above the Scene Editor select Project > Export Game. The release preparation window will open, then select ‘Android App’

Check that the game has been exported to the ‘export‘ folder in TyranoBuilder directory.
The next step is to turn the exported files into an Android app using TyranoPlayer.
To do this, follow the separate instructions in Exporting for Android Devices.


You made it to the end of the TyranoBuilder tutorial! Well done!
You’re now all set to create your own visual novels and export them for playing on a variety of platforms!
BUT! We’re only using about 5% of TyranoBuilder’s capabilities. There are many functions and features that we haven’t covered here, but to make the most of TyranoBuilder’s capabilities, you should learn to use TyranoScript in your games. TyranoScript allows the use of variables, animation, escape games, etc. and to create much more robust and customized games.

TyranoScript Tags Reference